Beauty and the Beast

Yes, I saw the movie and it was incredible, but that’s not exactly what this is about.  We know that confidence is the driving force behind achievement.  As much as others believe in you, you have to believe in yourself.  It is one of the most important, if not the most important, factor in success.  Confidence is beauty.  But it takes the beast to get there.

Strong women are built from the inside out.  We know this.  Lets first talk CrossFit.  It is much more a mental game than a physical one.  You have to be willing, you have to be determined, you have to be motivated mentally in order to put the work in physically.   The belief in yourself to be able to get through a workout, the push, the driving force, always starts within.  This applies to all things in life; time spent at work, even time at home.

Sometimes we get caught up in competing with each other and we forget that we owe it to each other to be one another’s #1 fans and cheerleaders.  We have to help each other find that confidence.  Empowered women empower women as they say.  So, we need to encourage this in each other.  We break the molds.  We defy those stereotypes.  We are our own source of power.  We are beasts inside the box.  We own it and embrace it even.  But, what about once we walk out those doors….

As I head into tomorrow, or the day my world stood still, I have to remind myself that sometimes, we have to “beast” it in real life.  I had to dig deep and fight.  I had to find the strength in myself I did not know existed.  I had to compile every last ounce of self belief.  And because I had to do this, I know it can be done.

I think we all need the reminder that no matter what “it” is, it can be done.  Once we believe in ourselves, we tend to get sh*t done.  So remember, the secret to life is being beauty and the beast… at exactly the same time.

I am a warrior, I do not rest.

I am a conqueror on a quest.

I am the present, I am the past.

I will accomplish, no questions asked.

I am the emperor, I take the throne.

I have no fear of the unknown.

I am a gladiator, I battle brave.

I am a hero ready to save.

I am resilient, I am tough.

I am a woman, I am enough.


3 Replies to “Beauty and the Beast”

  1. Beautiful words, very inspiring! I saw the recent movie with my daughter–and we both loved it, but your interpretation is far more eloquent and empowering. 😊

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