learning to sail

I am no stranger to failure.  Sometimes, I have to remind myself, and others of this.  It is great to be defined by your successes.  It is also important to remember how you achieved them.  Long ago,  I learned that if you believe in something, you have to push on.  You will want to give up, you will want to throw in the towel, but you have to be bigger than your fear.  I have learned what you want and what you deserve come only at your own hand (with the help of others).  14 years ago, I did not give up.  14 years ago, my life was changed.  Eventually, you may come to learn about the events that both broke me and then built me.  For now, as I begin this venture into furthering my life through writing, I have to remember that I have faced failures and even more the FEAR of failure countless times.  I have had (what felt like) the world screaming it in my face.  But, I didn’t give up.  And so, fail as I may here I am, sending out pieces of writing to publishers and contests looking for a future in the thing I love to do.  Failure is inevitable.  And I have reminded myself, that I am ok with this.  Because failure means trying again, and eventually, I am bound to get it right.

I’ve waited for the sunlight

staring at the dark clouds above.

Rough waters are surrounding me.

(The wind helps dry the tears.)

The waves crash all around me

but I breathe beneath the wake.

As the deep sea begins to swallow me,

I know not to let go.

Because though it gets unsteady here,

it is temporary.

That is the beauty with this ship,

it has yet to sink.

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