It’s ok to talk to yourself. Somedays, when you’re alone. I am not saying to go in public and have full fledged conversations. This might not go over well with the people around you. But, sometimes you just have to look at yourself in the mirror and speak… loudly.
I have heard that a good person can look you in the eyes. Be the type of person who looks people in the eyes. BUT, be even better. We can hide so much of ourselves from everyone else. The only person we cannot hide from is ourselves. So, be the type of person who can look yourself in the eyes. No one is perfect. There will be things we are not proud of. That’s ok. Accept yourself. But be who you want to be.
We can all be better. Sometimes, it takes a lot of work. But there are always starting points. When you do good, you feel good. This is true. So be better. Say goodbye to the parts of you that you hide from everyone else. Do you know why you hide these parts of you, shame. And if you are ashamed for people to know pieces of you, then its not who you want to be. So change it.
I went to this cheerleading coaches clinic over the weekend. Because I am both a cheerleader and a coach. If you do not know that, now you do. Two things to be noted:
1) I took a personality test and I am a strong orange and green. I cannot really tell you what this means other than I am always late, spontaneous, have exceedingly high expectations, little patience and I am a go getter. It is pretty cool, honestly, how accurate this little test is. And so, I am sharing it here so you can help to understand who you are:
2) The quote that was given to us, I find extraordinarily relevant for EVERYONE “There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” In other words, exactly what I said above. No one is perfect, but, if you aren’t happy with who you are, change it. Overcome your imperfections to the best of your abilities.
I will tell you that I know for certain that change is possible within yourself, that it is important to accept your imperfections in order to be better, and that it is ok to have imperfections in the first place. We aren’t robots. We live and we make mistakes. We learn. We make decisions. Sometimes the right ones and sometimes the wrong ones. These are the things that shape us. Sometimes, things we have no control over us shape us. We do not get a say in these things but we DO get a say in who we become afterwards.
I am on a sugar high right now and typing like a madwoman and I am not even sure at this point if this post makes sense. I slept for like 3 minutes last night, so do not ever judge the girl who relies heavily on sugar and caffeine. A lot of sugar and caffeine. You know those ridiculous Costco/BJ’s sized bags of sugar where you are like who the hell buys this much sugar, its 50 pounds, yeah, that’s me buying it…. weekly. Anyway, next time you stand in front of the mirror, pep talk yourself. Decide how you can be happier with the person looking back at you. Decide what they want or need. Decide what they do that makes proud. And, do not be afraid to look yourself in the eyes, and say goodbye to that person, if it isn’t who you want to be.
The flashbacks catch her breath
and the pain settles to her knees
she tries to catch herself
on pieces of memories.
She trips and falls over anger
and lands upon regret
crawls her way through frustration,
forcing herself to forget.
She reaches the corner of fear
and climbs onto her feet
but in the middle of sadness
she goes and takes a seat.
The time begins to pass
by day, then week, then month,
until one day this girl stood up
and finally had enough.